first order after website launch!

book ends

After several weeks of hard work from DotGo and input from Sheila and myself the web site went live last week. I would like to thank all involved in the process of producing a very professional looking site.

Comments and support from friends and family has been very encouraging and has resulted in a couple of enquiries and an order for a set of book ends.

The original design was drawn some time ago but for once the filing system worked and I managed to find my drawings.

 Unfortunately the original paint is long gone so a shopping trip is   needed.


Woodworker in UK

Woodworker in UKWoodworker in UK Woodworker in UK

 more bookend designs

Having found the drawings, I had forgotten how many different designs I had developed, some of which are still in use.

Which is your favourite?, or have you any ideas for other sets. Please let me know.